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Waste Manager

Learn how to save money by eliminating unutilized resources

Updated over a week ago

Wondering why cloud waste occurs? The answer lies in the persistence of resources after a virtual machine has been terminated, leading to wasted money. Cloud users often neglect sanity checks, finding it challenging to identify and remove these waste resources.

To address this problem, our skilled Uniskai DevOps engineers have developed a unique feature called Waste Manager (WM) to assist you in locating and disposing of these dormant resources

The Waste Manager identifies unattached, duplicated, or incorrectly sized resources, such as AMIs, Elastic IPs, Snapshots, VolumesEC2 instances, ECS, Lambda, RDS and Log Group. It also checks their creation time using analytical algorithms to categorize waste and generates a detailed waste list. There's no need for manual sanity checks. The Waste Manager automatically compiles all the cloud waste from terminated resources, waiting for the cloud environment owner to collect it in bulk (if preferred) and clean it up with a single mouse click.

To confirm your decision to save, click ‘Remove.’ The resource will be promptly removed from your AWS account.

To review and remove suggestions from the recommendation list, click ‘Archive.’ Archived resources will be listed in a dedicated tab for your reference.

To archive resources in bulk, mark the desired resources and click ‘Archive’ in the ‘Actions’ tab.

The waste chart also offers the option to remove waste in bulk. To do so, select the resources you wish to eliminate, then click ‘Remove All.’

For your convenience, use quick filters. Click on the icon to choose the resource type you want to view in the Waste.

To add a note to each resource, click ‘Add Note.’ You can mark the note with a priority color and adjust its visibility settings.

The list of all notes is located in the upper right corner and is categorized by priority color.

Ultimately, by implementing all the suggestions, you can see the potential cost savings indicated in the bottom right.

NOTE: Click on the ellipses to access Cloudview, where you can view resources in more detail.

You can also export your resources to an Excel file.

Additionally, this table offers filtering capabilities. Click ‘Filter,’ select the region, and add a tag if necessary. Once done, click ‘Apply.’

Select all your accounts and eliminate unnecessary resources with just a few clicks.

Utilize a quick filter for more convenience. You can employ all the available tools for a single account, such as sorting, searching, filtering, saving to Excel, bulk actions, and note-keeping. Save money quickly.

At first glance, waste elements may not seem like a significant concern for infrastructure owners. However, if the issue of their occurrence remains unaddressed, you may continue to waste 30% of your cloud budget. With Uniskai's Waste Manager, you can promptly identify and eliminate waste, thanks to our user-friendly interface, making cost savings easily achievable.

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