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Updating Your Azure Account

Learn how to update your Azure account

Updated over a week ago

Step 1

Navigate to the Account Manager.

Step 2

Choose your desired Azure account by clicking on the ‘DETAILS’ button.

Step 3

Click on the ‘Actions’ button within the settings of the selected account.

Step 4

Select the ‘Update credentials’ button.

Step 5

A new window for updating credentials will appear.

Note: If any information is missing, please refer to our user-friendly manual within the application.


The first field is the Account name, which is pre-filled and cannot be edited.


Choose the Access type (The selected type will be marked with a white dot on a blue background):

  • Read/write: Allows you to use all functions, such as converting to spot, scheduling resources, removing unused resources, and rightsizing your resources.

  • Read-only: Permits viewing of all resources and possible actions but restricts the use of main functionalities.

Step 5.3

Move on to the Connection section, where the connection type is automatically set to Automatic. A JSON key file will be generated automatically by a shell script.


To add an Azure subscription, ensure you have the necessary permissions to create service clients and assign roles.

  • Log in to Azure at and open the Shell console.

  • Open the Cloud Shell by clicking on the (>_ ) icon in the upper right.


Select PowerShell mode.

Note: Upon opening the shell for the first time, you may be prompted to create a new storage account. You can create one automatically by clicking 'Create storage' or setting the storage account and file share names using advanced settings.


Import the setup automation module by executing the following command:

Invoke-Expression $([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing).Content))


Enter your subscription name and launch the setup process. Search for Subscriptions to see a list of all subscriptions linked to your Azure account, showing the name and ID for each. Keep in mind, that you can also utilize the SubscriptionId parameter to input a subscription ID, and you can customize the application name with the ApplicationName option.

Setup-UniskaiConnection -CustomRoleAccess 'ReadWrite' -SubscriptionName 'YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME'


Retrieve the setup script's generated config file and upload it to Uniskai.

Note: If using Azure Cloud Shell, click the Upload/Download files button on the toolbar, choose Download, enter the script's output file name, and click Download. Then click on the ‘Click here to download your file’ link that appears on the bottom right.

Script for setting up Uniskai connection

$ReadActions = @(

$ReadWriteActions = @(

function Setup-UniskaiConnection {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[bool]$CreateSpCredential = $true

# Check if neither or both SubscriptionName and SubscriptionId are provided
if ((-not $SubscriptionName -and -not $SubscriptionId) -or ($SubscriptionName -and $SubscriptionId)) {
Write-Error "Please specify either SubscriptionName or SubscriptionId, but not both."

# Wrap the whole script in a try-catch block to catch exceptions
try {
$subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription
if (-not $subscriptions) {
Write-Error "No subscriptions found. Please check your Azure account."

# Choose your subscription by using 'SubscriptionName' or 'SubscriptionId'
if ($SubscriptionName) {
$subscription = $subscriptions | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $SubscriptionName} | Select-Object -First 1
} elseif ($SubscriptionId) {
$subscription = $subscriptions | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $SubscriptionId} | Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $subscription) {
Write-Error "Subscription '$SubscriptionName' or '$SubscriptionId' not found. Please provide your subscription name or id."
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subscription

$tenantId = $subscription.TenantId
$uniqueSuffix = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm")

# If the app client name is not passed, use the default name
if (-not $ApplicationName) {
$ApplicationName = "Uniskai"
Write-Output "Using name '$ApplicationName' as no ApplicationName parameter provided."

# Check if the application already exists
if ($PrincipalId) {
$principal = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ObjectId $PrincipalId | Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $principal) {
Write-Error "Service principal with id $PrincipalId not found. Please check your service principal id."
} else {
$principal = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName $ApplicationName | Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $principal) {
Write-Output "Creating new service principal $ApplicationName"
$principal = New-AzADServicePrincipal -DisplayName $ApplicationName
if (-not $principal) {
Write-Error "Failed to create service principal. Please check your permissions to create AD service principals and try again."
Write-Warning "You can create the service principal manually and pass the PrincipalId parameter to this script: -PrincipalId <id>."

Write-Output "Waiting 20 seconds for the service principal to propagate in other Azure services..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 20

$connectionConfig = @{
tenant_id = $tenantId
subscription_id = $subscription.Id
principal_id = $principal.Id
client_id = $principal.AppId

if ($CreateSpCredential) {
Write-Output "Creating new secret for service principal $ApplicationName ($($principal.Id)) in subscription $subscription."
$secret = New-AzADSpCredential -ObjectId $principal.Id -StartDate (Get-Date) -EndDate (Get-Date).AddMonths(24)
if (-not $secret) {
Write-Error "Failed to create a new secret. Please check your permissions to create credentials for principal $ApplicationName with ID $($principal.Id)."
Write-Warning "Consider customizing the application name by passing the ApplicationName parameter to this script: -ApplicationName <name>."
Write-Output "Created new secret for service principal $ApplicationName ($($principal.Id)) in subscription $subscription with KeyId $($secret.KeyId)."
$connectionConfig["client_secret"] = $secret.SecretText

Write-Output "Connection configuration:"
Write-Output $($connectionConfig | ConvertTo-Json)

$roleName = "Reader"
$customRoleActions = $null

if ($CustomRoleAccess) {
if (-not $CustomRoleName) {
$roleName = (@($ApplicationName, $subscription.Id, $CustomRoleAccess) | Where-Object { $_ }) -join '-'
if ($CustomRoleAccess -eq "Read") {
$customRoleActions = $ReadActions
} elseif ($CustomRoleAccess -eq "ReadWrite") {
$customRoleActions = $ReadWriteActions
} else {
Write-Error "Invalid value for CustomRoleAccess. Please use either 'Read' or 'ReadWrite'."

# Check if the custom role is already created
if ($customRoleActions) {
$roleDefinition = Get-AzRoleDefinition -Name $roleName
if (-not $roleDefinition) {
Write-Output "Creating new custom role $roleName in subscription $subscription."

$roleDefinition = Get-AzRoleDefinition -Name "Reader"
$roleDefinition.Id = $null
$roleDefinition.Name = $roleName
$roleDefinition.Description = "$CustomRoleAccess role for Uniskai."
$roleDefinition.IsCustom = $True
$roleDefinition.Actions = $customRoleActions
$roleDefinition.AssignableScopes = @("/subscriptions/$($subscription.Id)")
$roleDefinition = New-AzRoleDefinition -Role $roleDefinition
if (-not $roleDefinition) {
Write-Error "Failed to create custom role $roleName."
Write-Error "Please check your permissions to create custom roles within subscription $subscription and try again."
$roleName = $roleDefinition.Name
Write-Output "Waiting 10 seconds for the role definition to propagate in Azure services..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
} elseif (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $roleDefinition.Actions -DifferenceObject $customRoleActions) {
$roleDefinition.Actions = $customRoleActions
$roleDefinition.Description = "$CustomRoleAccess role for Uniskai."
Write-Output "Updating custom role $roleName in subscription $subscription."
$roleDefinition = Set-AzRoleDefinition -Role $roleDefinition

# Check if the role is already assigned
$roleAssignment = Get-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $principal.Id -Scope "/subscriptions/$($subscription.Id)" `
| Where-Object {$_.RoleDefinitionName -eq $roleName} | Select-Object -First 1
if (-not $roleAssignment) {
# If not, assign the role to the new client
Write-Output "Assigning $roleName role to $ApplicationName application in $subscription."
$roleAssignment = New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $principal.Id -RoleDefinitionName $roleName -Scope "/subscriptions/$($subscription.Id)"
if (-not $roleAssignment) {
Write-Error "Failed to assign $roleName role. Please check your permissions to assign roles within subscription $subscription and try again."

if ($CreateSpCredential) {
$configFile = "uniskai-connection-$uniqueSuffix.json"
$connectionConfig | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $configFile

Write-Output "Connection configuration file created: $configFile"
Write-Output "Download this file and register it in Uniskai."
Write-Warning "If you are using Azure PowerShell, click on the Upload/Download files button at the toolbar,"
Write-Warning "enter the '$configFile' file name and click on Download."

Read-Host "After registering the file in Uniskai, press any key to continue..."
# Remove the connection configuration file
# Write-Output "Removing connection configuration file..."
# Remove-Item -Path $configFile -Force
} catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message

Step 6

Upload the JSON file in the appropriate field.

Step 7

After the upload, press the ‘Reconnect subscription’ button.

Step 8

You will receive a message confirming the successful update.

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